Movement Monday 10-8-18 Doing Ground Work
More Movement Monday to start your week on the move!Continue reading
Between Muscle Ups And Pull Ups – Elbow Pull Ups
I’ve always wanted to be able to do a strict muscle up. And MovNat upped the ante by introducing me to a false grip strict muscle up. Pull-ups have never been an issue and neither have dips. The problem is bridging the gap between a pull-up and a dip to complete the muscle up. Enter the elbow pull up!Continue reading
Muscle Balance Is Essential For Quality Movement
Strength training was originally popularized through bodybuilding in the 70’s. Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized working out and a bodybuilding style weightlifting program became the norm for cross-training athletes.Continue reading
What You Say And How You Say It Matters
Something that often bothers me is the language we use to talk about movement, health, and wellness in general. We apply very little thought to the words we use and how we relate linguistically. Words are powerful things as they are essentially thoughts brought into the physical world.Continue reading