What Is Movement Efficiency Really?

Let’s talk about what movement efficiency really is. Efficiency is using as little effort as possible to accomplish a movement. But that doesn’t really help understand how to be more efficient, does it?

You create efficiency by using the minimum amount of tension and the maximum amount of relaxation needed to complete the movement. It sounds odd to talk about relaxation during something like deadlift, but it is important.

Obviously, as the movement becomes more demanding the tension required becomes higher and the amount of relaxation used will become lower, but for most movements, we won’t need that level of tension so there’s a lot of room for more relaxation.

That Thing I Hate Doing


Photo Credit Flickr – Link Below

I talked in a recent post about having to do something I hate doing. That thing would be scheduling my time. I’m much more of a fly by the seat of your pants kinda guy.

As soon as I put something on a schedule, I feel like I have to do it and then I don’t want to do it. For any of you who follow Gretchen Rubin’s work, my tendency is a rebel.

This makes it very painful to create a schedule for myself. I just feel like smashing my head against a wall as soon as I make one. I’m working on a solution that lets me at least loosely schedule my time without making me feel like I’ve just thrown myself in a cage.

Scheduling Not So Much

So far I haven’t had much success. I think step number one is going to be eliminating anything that doesn’t absolutely have to be done. And not getting lost in the million tasks that daily living generates. Part of the reason I do that is I just have too much stuff.

HA HA HA maybe I need to schedule a couple hours one day to just throw a bunch of crap away! Really though the major thing I need to make sure I get in is meal prep and time for movement every day.

Meal prep is probably just going to have to be all done one day on the weekend. My movement time though has mostly been climbing for a couple years. Unfortunately, I’ve reached a level of climbing that requires me to supplement to avoid muscle imbalances.

My movement time is just going to have to become part of my morning routine instead of whenever I can squeeze it in. I know some of you are laughing at me right now and thinking, “of course you should do that!” But I hate scheduling anything so I have to force myself into a routine and usually really resent it. I often have to force myself even to go climbing, even though I always have a good time once I get there. Even so it’s usually a fight with myself.

This weekend is extra so hopefully, I can get my crap together and get rolling on my long avoided schedule!

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VLOG 1 – Tenkara And Always Bring The Pliers!

just got my new Tenkara USA fishing rod! I’ve been waiting for it to show up for a few weeks. I’m super excited to try it out. I have zero fly fishing experience. I also haven’t fished much since I was a kid.

Just the same I’m really excited to try it out. I found a new area to play thanks to google maps and I even managed to catch a couple fish. But I screwed up my knots once and lost a fly and didn’t bring my needle nose pliers and lost another fly.

Despite that, it was still a good day. I think I’ll try again tomorrow. There are more flies on the way! Look out bluegill!

Dirty Dogs For Hip Mobility

Today I’m bringing you a dead simple exercise to help retrain your. glutes. Many of you may have seen this one before, but it tends to be considered a girl exercise.

Don’t let that chase you away! It’s really a great exercise for rehabing our chronically tight hips. This little guy works the hips through a range of motion we don’t often use otherwise.

Doing it regularly can help relieve lower back pain and improve hip mobility. It’ll also strengthen your glutes so that you can better help support your spine without garbage ergonomic chairs!

August 2017 30 Day Challenge

I’ve decided to take my own advice. I created my own 30-Day Challenge for August! I’ve talked about before how much I rock climb. It’s pretty much been my only type of workout for a couple years now. Buuuuuuut it’s caused some muscle imbalance issues.Continue reading