Don’t Be a Bag of Bones – Support Your SPINE

Welcome back everyone! Today I’m talking about supporting your spine. We spend a lot of time sitting in furniture that does a lot of support work for us.

Unfortunately, that means the support muscles for our spine are pretty weak and out of use. It’s time to get them back into shape so we can keep a healthy alignment!

Does Spot Reduction Really Work?

Is spot reduction for real? No spot reduction isn’t real. But in the core, you can get an effect somewhat like spot reduction. When you have a weak core, you’ll have poor alignment.

Poor alignment can lead to a bulging waist and an undesirable measurement. By strengthening your core muscles you can improve your alignment and thereby reducing your waist measurement!

Make That Internal Weight Belt USEFUL Again!

The transverse abdominis, or TVA, is your internal weight belt. It holds all your organs in place and supports the spine. It wraps from the spine all the way around to the front of your belly.

All our time sitting in supportive furniture has limited our capacity to activate this muscle. But no more! Here’s a couple variations of a simple exercise that will reeducate you on how to activate this essential muscle.

Ghee is EXPENSIVE so just make your own!

Ghee is pretty expensive to buy. Especially if you buy high quality ghee. But it’s cool ’cause you can just make your own! It’s pretty easy and doesn’t take very long.

All you need is some butter, a good pot, something to strain the liquid butter with, and something to store the ghee in!

What’s A TVA???

What is the TVA, or transverse abdominis? It was all the rage, the hot new thing, when I was a full-time trainer in the early 2000’s. But I’d venture most people still don’t know what it is or does.Continue reading

Moving From The Ground Up

Alright! Today I’m just going to show some groundwork. These are all simple exercises I like to do to help open up my hips. None of them require any equipment and can be done just abut anywhere.

There’s no instruction this time. Just a few reps of each exercise!

Keep Your FEET Healthy to Keep Your Body healthy

Our feet are the foundation for our entire bodies. If they’re not working properly, the odds are pretty good it’s going to create problems elsewhere in our bodies.

Here in the developed world we’ve spent most of our lives in rigid supportive footwear that’s also shaped nothing like a human foot. As a consequence we have poorly developed feet that are actually deformed.

Here are a few simple things you can do to help restore health to your feet!

I HATE Push-ups but I’m going to teach them anyway


The military ruined me on push-ups forever! I avoid ’em like the plague. But I see so many bad push-ups I thought a little instruction could help.

There are a few things you need to remember with push-ups.

1. A solid plank position – if you can’t hold it for 60 seconds you’re not ready for a push-up
2. Start simple – start with an easier version of the push-up until you build some strength, then scale up as you get stronger.
3. Protect your shoulders – make sure your elbows aren’t flared out or you’ll put unneeded stress on your shoulders.
4. Don’t force reps – Stop the push-up workout when your form starts to breakdown

Cooking On The Lodge Hibachi

I love cooking on this Lodge Hibachi. It’s a great little grill that’s easy to take with you. I take it car camping with me almost every time. I also use it to cook a lot of my food every Sunday to get ready for the week!

Lunge Variation to Stabilize Hips, Knees, and Ankles

Just in case you have the regular lunge figured out, I want to share a version that will bring the challenge back! Here’s the plie lunge.

This variation really makes the lateral muscles of the leg work. It will help strengthen everything on the outside of the leg and teach you how to better stabilize the hip, knee, and ankle.

Try it out, but go slow! It will leave you crazy sore if you overdo it.