Man Standing on top of a mountain

Effort vs Results – Learn to Love The Process

I was recently watching an Ido Portal documentary and he said something that put the final puzzle piece in something I’d had rolling around in my head for a while. I had been thinking about effort vs results. I don’t remember Ido’s exact quote, but it was along the lines of learn to love the process because the goal is bullshit.Continue reading

It’s Hard Living The Life You Want Sometimes!

It’s hard living the life you want sometimes. It’s even harder if you haven’t made a plan and stuck to a direction so you can live the life you want. Guilty as charged. I’ve been trying to make some drastic changes in my life to get back on my path, instead of the standard path. That means soul searching, sacrifice, and a crap ton of changes.Continue reading

The Healthy Way to Lose Weight

Everyone wants to know, what is the healthy way to lose weight. I’ve always been curious with the obsession over losing weight. I don’t mean the concept of being a healthy weight. I mean the obsession with seeing a certain number or less on the bathroom scale.Continue reading

Where Have I Been?

You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting much recently. Or you may not. Either way, I’m gonna tell you about it. Despite the fact that I’m a movement guy, I’m not good at sitting still. And all my side projects caught up with me!Continue reading